Brisket - Northern Virginia?

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Anyone here from Northern Virginia? Ideas on where I can get untrimmed brisket? Also, is it a pipe dream for me to want to pay less than $2 a pound around here? Someone told me to give Fresh Fields a try but I have a funny feeling they won't be charging $1-2 per lb... It's going to be hard convincing myself to spend $30-40 on a piece of meat that might be inedible after my rookie effort!

Guess I'll stick to my butts...
Howdy Roger,

I have found smallish flats at Costco, BJ's, and Shoppers Food Warehouse, but availability is not consistent. As for whole briskets, I have not seen one. There are a few meat markets around (a couple in Arlington, one in Springfield), but I don't know if they have briskets. If they do, I suspect they will be obscenely expensive. The one in Springfield does not carry spare ribs, and will not order them. All in all, the best prices I have found for butts and spares are at Shoppers. The best price on loin backs is at Costco.

Good luck, and let me know if you hear of any deals!

Yes, I didn't think I'd have a lot of options around here. I went to Skyline Butcher and the owner said he'd talk to his supplier and I should call Tuesday. But I have no patience so I made my way to Fresh Fields, which didn't even have untrimmed brisket! Harris Teeter was my next stop and I was ecstatic to hear that they had untrimmed brisket in cryovac, just as it comes to them. Flat, not whole, and came in at 6.6 lbs. A nice layer of fat on the bottom, you can't see red. Top is mixed with fat and meat showing. I'll need to poke around the site for advice on this. Price was $3.33 (yikes) per pound but I've been thinking about smoking brisket for so long (obsessed?) that I had to do it. Will post the results here.
There is a small chain of grocery stores in the Maryland, DC, Virginia area called Magruder's that has whole CAB briskets on sale for $ .99/pound. No idea how long the sale will last. I was alerted to this from one of the other message boards. Anyway, I went to the one on Duke Street in Alexandria last night and bought three. It was the first time I have seen whole briskets for sale in this area. Store locations can be found at: Magruders
Had a hard time finding untrimed briskets in PA. Then Steve Bennett told me to go to a super Wal-Mart and they have them for .98 a lb.good luck
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