Brisket Jeremy Yoder inspired.



So I went for something new to me today. Still trying to nail down my Pecos so I've been watching a lot of mad scientist videos. So today I tried a brisket with the mustard and pickle juice schmeer, along with black pepper, salt, season salt and garlic. Also did the tallow wrap in butcher paper. Didn't have wagyu tallow so just used the trimmings off this one. Smoked about seven hours on the Pecos then wrapped and put on the pellet pooper. May have gone a little too long but we will see. It's resting in the cambro now. IMG_20210905_053140.jpgIMG_20210905_082848.jpgIMG_20210905_124038.jpgIMG_20210905_130719.jpg
Well, for a choice packer, I'm happy. The seasoning was not as big of a difference as I thought it would be. Just enough to go, hmmm, not just s&p. The wife went back for an extra slice which never happens. So I think it's a keeper. Now it had very nice marbeling for choice, but the tallow wrap came out with more "moisture"(fat) in the flat than the primes I usually do.

I learned a few things. Like my butcher paper isn't wide enough to properly wrap a full packer. And watch your shoes during the wrap! Tallow may spill over, but the dogs were very happy.

Plated with quinoa and black beans and I'm a happy guy. Thanks for looking. Hope y'all have a great long weekend. IMG_20210905_191524.jpgIMG_20210905_191730.jpgIMG_20210905_191848.jpgIMG_20210905_192436.jpg

