Brisket is confusing

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I hope this works...
First thank YOU for the guy who started this site, i couldnt have done it without you. the intructions from weber well.. neways
i have only gotten this for my bday present for a week and already made beef ribs and 2 whole chickens.. and now for the brisket..i made one using the minion method started it at 12am and took it out at 10am.. its amazing...
i have some questions though regarding what i actually cooked...

Brisket?! i never knew it was so confusing.

i asked the butcher for a 10 pounder.. he says he can only give me a 2nd cut about 5 pounds and a first cut gets a lil bigger.. however he can give me one with both together around 10 pounds.. first of all i eat only kosher meat...first cut goes for $11 a pound and second cut for around $6 a pound.. so i figured id start with second cut.. its more fatty...
which cuts are you using....second, first or the whole thing and do you know of any sites or info where i can learn to cut carve and do whatever needs to be done to it......thanks a mil
The terminology you say your butcher is using is confusing. It almost sounds like what's being called a "first cut" is the flat, and the "second cut" is the point (which is fattier that the flat). Either way, $11 and $6 a pound is outrageous for brisket, kosher or not.

Here are some meat cut charts that may be helpful.
Thank you doug and chris for your replies....first....yes kosher meat is outragous!!!! im just noticing this now since i have been gettin into buying meats now...when discussin with my parents they said dont think about it, they know! A whole chicken for me can cost almost $6..neways...
I think your right doug...1st cut flat and second cut point... it has a point on it and it much much fatier....and ill check out the link you sent me thanks .. and for you doug....thanks for letting me know that you are using both cuts of butcher said hed give me a good deal if i take the whole thing.. but still it might be costing me an arm and a leg but thats kosher meats for ya..but better to konw thats what you guys are using....ill check out the sites..(i cooked my 5 pounder for almost 10 hours till it was 180 inside .. now i see why you have to cook for 18 hours if you are using both cuts) Thanks for being here and hopefully ill be able to contribute too soon.. take care

So what you are saying is you have to pay like twice as much as the rest of us because you are getting kosher meat! YIKES!!

Thank doug for that link.....its always good to be refreshed...and yes...looks like my briskit is goign to cost a lil more than yours.. neways.. thanks for those links about the diff cuts...amazing....
thanks for this site....
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