Brisket - Frozen, OK?

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Wade Leishman

TVWBB Member
After trying Ribs and Prk Butts, I wanted to do a Whole Brisket this weekend at something in the 10-12 lb Range... we don't have a great selection of Butchers arround, and Costco didn't have anything either...(Lots of Veggies arround Santa Cruz, CA - YUK!)

I just called the local Meat place (Freedom Meat Locker)... I've only had Sausage from there, but being new to the WSM I've heard the place is good...

Anyhow, they have some but they were all frozen... Am I going to have a problem defrosting the thing before Friday Night?

72 hours ought to do it, so, if you buy it this evening and start it defrosting, Friday night should be about right.
To add to Doug's post...

If it's not quite thawed by Friday you could probably finish it off with a speed thaw method. Saw this on a Good Eats episode with cute little blue ice duckies.

Place in a water-tight bag (or the cryovac bag it came in) and put in the sink in COLD water with a slow trickle of cold water. You'll need something to permit the excess water to drain.

The cold water will keep the temp low and restrain bacteria growth and the constant stream will provide a convection current speeding up the process.

Well, I went over and picked it up, and I guess it's a "non-issue"... they didn't have any frozen ones, just fresh (I guess the guy on the phone didn't know what was going on)...

So I have a nice fresh 14LB Whole Brisket sitting in Cyrovac in the Fridge until I can smoke it Friday night...

Now my only concern is if it will fit on the WSW.... DOH!

Thanks for all the help

Do a search on or find the string titled "fork tender brisket". Keri C and Stogie had some great comments and advice for briskets to my questions. They helped a ton. Brisket has quickly become high on my favorite list. Have fun and good luck!
Don't forget, if the ends are outside the "waterpan protection zone" /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif, slip a couple of pieces of foil under those ends to protect them from the higher heat.
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