Brisket Cuts


J Moodie

TVWBB Member
So I am reading a lot about brisket on this site, seems to be a popluar meat this weekend!

Just had a few questions, what are the different cuts and what do they look like? I am hearing words like flat, packer, whole, points, but when I go to the store, it just says brisket. I know from where on the cow it comes from, but that is about all. From the discussions, sounds like they all cook differently!

Any chance anyone has pictures or links for what the different types of cuts are?
Hey J. I will try to help, but brisket and I don't play well with each other. I also don't know what I am talking about too much but here is my best try...From what I understand, a whole brisket is made up of a point which is the smaller piece on top, and a flat, which is, well, flat. Packer is another word for whole. I prefer to call the brisket a PITA. The problem is that when they are cooked properly, they are extremely tasty, so I keep trying. I did better on my last attempt and finally learned to focus on tenderness, not temp. If the brisket is not cooked to tenderness, it can actually have a mouth feel like it is overcooked. Kinda wierd. If you probe it and it feels like you are sticking a hot knife in butter, you are done. If not, keep cooking. Foiling helps. Good luck!
J your biggest concern is whether it's a whole brisket ( point and flat ) or just the flat. I know from reading this forum that some areas people can only get flats whereas I can only buy packers(whole brisket) no matter which it is if you cook it right it's MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Thanks for the responses, something to try in the summer! Thought I had seen everything this site has to offer, not sure how I missed that Timothy!

What else is hiding around here???? Carolina Mustard BBQ sauce, that is my next hunt!!!

