Brisket/butt questions


Paul Brown

New member
Getting ready for my first attempt at a brisket (5.5lbs) and a butt (7.5lbs) on my WSM 22.5",and have a few questions.
Should the butt or brisket go on the top rack or doesn't it matter?
Should I put them in fat side up or down?
If I wrap and place them both in a cooler, how long can I wait to slice and pull?
Paul B
Both on the top rack, fat down. Seems like guys with the 22.5" cooker are all afraid of the outer 50% of the grater or something. No issues getting to into the outer hot zone with the relatively small amount of meat you're cooking, though.

The issue in holding hot in a cooler is not just about how long you can keep it hot, but what the residual cooking in the foil will do over time if holding too long. I really like a 1-2hr brisket rest, but would rather cook the butt to truly tender and hold no more than an hour or so. I've held both hot all day, though. My butts never stay real juicy that way, though.

