Brisket 2nd stall?


E Smith

New member
15lb Prime Costco prime packer. Stalled at 150, added some fuel and she powered through after a couple hours. Now, Im at 13 hrs and the grate temp was dropping to 210-215 so I added more fuel and the meat has stalled again at 177-178 and hasn't budged for an hour or more. I probed it many times with the Thermopop and got varying readings, nothing over 185.

Any ideas? This is my first Brisket and haven't ready anything about this on the forum in all my research.



The stall is due to a balance between the heat from the air trying to penetrate the meat and the cooling of the water from inside the meat evaporating at the surface. You can address this in a number of ways. 1) Ignore it and wait for the meat to dry out enough that the cooling drops off and the temp starts rising again. 2) Increase the air temp so the heat moving into the meat is greater than the cooling from evaporation. 275F is frequently used for brisket. 3) Wrap the meat to slow evaporation. Peach butcher paper has been made popular by Aaron Franklin. Heavy duty foil is popular among those who don't have room to store a 3' roll of butcher paper.

I would go for either 2) or 3), but then I'm not a big fan of dry brisket. The choice is yours.

