Breakfast Bacon, Pulled Pork Dinner

Great looking pork butt Gary!! I like your slicer - similar to mine. I don't use it alot, but when I do I'm glad I have it. Handy kitchen tool.
got a recipe for that rub your using? its sounds pretty good.
There's some variations on an ancho/coffee/cocoa rub out there for beef. Try 1 Tbsp coffee beans , finely ground, 1 Tbsp Dutch unsweetened chocolate ( powdered form for baking), 2 Tbsp ground ancho chili powder , 1/2 Tbsp ground cumin, 1/2 Tbsp each black pepper and raw sugar, and a few hearty dashes of cayenne, cinnamon, and white pepper. Also, 1/2 tsp each of granulated garlic and onion and a tsp each of ground Mexican oregano and French thyme.
For pork, skip the cocoa (pork BBQ tends to be sweeter than beef -- you don't want the rub to taste like Hershey's), and cut back on the cumin and oregano. Maybe less black pepper and a bit more sugar for better bark. I add some ground allspice as well.
My homemade rubs are salt free. I prefer to use kosher salt on the meat first, then add the rub, a two step process. I find it easier to control the salt content that way.
Thanks again for everyone's kind comments. :)

