Break in the weather... Need a few new ideas for the smoker



The weather in Pittsburgh this weekend gonna be in the mid 50s for Friday Saturday and Sunday... Gotta pull out da ole smoker.... Done ribs pork butts chicken quarters...

Planning on several small butts (4-5 lbs to vaccuum freeze for a later party) and somethiong else to eat the same day that would take approx same time (brisket is out)..

I found the pepper steaks an intriguing possibility...

Looking for ideas...
Bill.... i grill out all year long...True....I should Q all year long... It's not the weather that stops me from Qin ... It's work, kids, swim lessons, chess tourneys, basketball games, n'at... Nothin different than most of YINZ.... But just so happens very little goin on this weekend and the temp outside supposed to be decent for mid-January ... Happy Q'in to all
Good idea Tim... Planning on a few small pork butts...

Peppered steak...

Mushroom bombs ( I have grilled these before but never on the smoker)
Low Fat ABTs........I use 1/3 less fat cream cheese with no meat, seasoned with Cavendar's or taco seasoning then wrapped in turkey bacon, also seasoned on the outside.......wife eats em' like candy
Try a take on the "Pepper Stout Beef" recipe, that's been posted here. Real tasty, everyone loved it. I'm not crazy about cooking with beer, so I changed that to broth. I like my veggies cut up small so they pretty much disintegrate into the meat and broth.


Salt and Pepper and into the smoker at 250 until it hits 165

Green Onion, Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Jalapeno, Garlic.


Then add. 1/4 cup Worcestershire and 12 oz beef broth. Then cover with foil. And put back in smoker. Raise temp to 350.

After 2.5-3 hours check for tenderness by pulling apart. Leave uncovered and cook for about 20-30 minutes and...

shred beef a bit more and its time to eat.
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I'm going to agree with Bill here. Run that Smoker all year.

It's not a weather event if I'm not out putting something dead on a fire

Smoked a Turkey on the 26th for a belated Christmas Dinner...was 20 degrees out.

Best durn turkey I ever ate. (so far)

