Brats and Ribs


Brian H.

TVWBB Member
Going to throw some spareribs on in awhile. Planning for 7-9 hours. My question is how long are the Brats going to take? (they are Johnsonville - seems like that is the only brand I can find).

Also, I am probably going to put some beans on. I am figuring 3-4 hours before the ribs are done. How much is this going to affect my temp and should I raise the temp before I put them on. Thanks
i have a butt going right now as i type this. i put some brats on this morning when i woke up and they was done in 2 hours. i cooked them till they hit 155 and took them off. i let them drip on the butt for some added flavor. i did some walleye on my last cook and had a fishy taste on my butt. oops live and learn. temp and time wasnt a factor at all for me. i noticed no change.
It depends a lot on the composition of the sausage, some will cook much more quickly than others. I don't cook brats to temp, I just keep an eye on them- and when they are swelling up and covered with "sweat", they're good to go.
Good stuff.
I did some Johnsonvilles' for the first time last week. 235 degrees for 2 hours. They were good but
not necessarily better than on the grill (for 20 minutes).
Normally I boil my Brats in beer and onion and finish them off on the grill. I was not impressed with them on the WSM - I just threw them on without boiling them first. The ribs were great though.

