On Saturday, at Sam's Club. 2 pieces of meat ran me about $26. I think I paid about $2 per lb.
I want to smoke them this weekend. My questions are:
1. How long should I expect them to cook? I think I've read 1-1/2 hours per lb. I was thinking about 10-12 hours.
2. Will I need to replace the briquettes mid way through the cook, or if I pack it tightly and use the Minion method, should one packed ring last me 10 hours?\
3. If I replace the briquettes, do I start a new chimney and all new coals or just dump unlit coals on the remaining fire?
4. Anything special I need to do to prep the meat? It looks like there is limited fat on the outside of the meat at this point.
5. I'm expecting to marinate it overnight in the fridge. Do I marinate it in a sealed bag or exposed in a bowl?
There may be more questions coming. Thanks.
I want to smoke them this weekend. My questions are:
1. How long should I expect them to cook? I think I've read 1-1/2 hours per lb. I was thinking about 10-12 hours.
2. Will I need to replace the briquettes mid way through the cook, or if I pack it tightly and use the Minion method, should one packed ring last me 10 hours?\
3. If I replace the briquettes, do I start a new chimney and all new coals or just dump unlit coals on the remaining fire?
4. Anything special I need to do to prep the meat? It looks like there is limited fat on the outside of the meat at this point.
5. I'm expecting to marinate it overnight in the fridge. Do I marinate it in a sealed bag or exposed in a bowl?
There may be more questions coming. Thanks.