Bought a Traeger...feeling guilty...


David Willis

TVWBB Member
My BBQ "career" started with a $150 offset that was almost impossible to maintain temps. Didn't know any better until I found this site. Since then, I've been in WSM heaven.

But...a funny thing happened on the way to get a vegetable tray...a Traeger demo in front of the BBQ store. The smell coming off this thing was incredible. But no, I'm married to the Bullet. (The affair started when I accepted the free brochure).

4 weeks later, I was back for some more tasting. Chicken this time. Soooo good. So confused. So conflicted. Better than I've ever done on the WSM.

I caved to desire and bought one (Texas model) and it will be delivered on Monday. What will my first love think? Is it over? Anyone else cheated like this? :)

Seriously, I will still get tons of use from the WSM, but I'm afraid the Traeger will spoil me with it's purported maintenance free operation. Of course, I haven't used it personally yet, so maybe it won't be as simple, but man, this could get ugly....

Don't put the WSM through this. The best thing for all involved is a clean break. I'll send you my address so you can do what's best for the WSM...ship it to me.
Bob W.
No need to feel guilty about your new Traeger. There's plenty of great smokers/cookers out there and the WSM is just one of many. Enjoy the new toy, wish I had one.
David I know how you feel. I loaned my WSM to my nephew who is becoming quite the bbqer. If you dont use it, share it with someone who would just might make you feel better!

I really like this place even though I dont use a bullet anymore. I still say that the WSM is the best cooker for the money to anyone who asks.

Traeger's based down the road from me in Mt. Angel and I have to admit that they certainly have their fans.

And like you've I had some great food coming off of these smokers/grillers.
Thanks Charlie

Did some re-arranging on the patio to make room and almost everything got moved except the outdoor carpet and the WSM. I even swept the entire area! It just "belongs" in that corner.

Sorry Bob, can't do it just yet
I still have several bags of Kingsford and tons of various woods. (My only other grill is a gasser)

Especially in the winter (yeah I know, winter in Houston's not really winter), I just liked sitting out there as the Bullet hummed along keeping me, the cats, and an occasional toddler warm. I'll find a way to keep 'er happy.

Maybe I'll just turn the access door towards the fence when the Traeger arrives.

