Bottom Vent on a Weber Smoky Joe


Richard Garcia

TVWBB Wizard
I bought a new Weber Smoky Joe(Silver) around six(6) months ago and each time I finish cooking on-it the bottom vent is stuck in the open vent mode and I cannot close-it to put-out the fire.

Once it cools-off I always clean the grill and spray some WD-40 on the bottom vent, however, once I finish the next cook outing it again goes into the "stuck" mode. I am now thinking that this is a Weber Factory Defect??
I don't remember mine sticking but I did add an extension handle for ease of adjusting the vent during the cook.

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I have found ones that are very tight and others that are rather loose. Wd40 will not work. You may have to just work it back and forth a bit to loosen it up or just drill out the rivet and install a screw and nut. To make the nut fit tight, just bang on the screw threads a bit to bend them. The nut will jam on the screw.
I don't remember mine sticking but I did add an extension handle for ease of adjusting the vent during the cook.


I modified my WSJ somewhat like in George L. Post#2 picture above, however, I screwed-in only a 6" Bolt extension to one of the vent flap which solved the problem of the sticky vent. Thanx to all that replied.

