Boston Butts

Depends. Are you planning on wrapping to push through the stall? Best bet would be to figure around 1.5 hours per pound.
Wrapping tight with HD double layer with a splash of beer or apple juice is what I normally do. I wrap around 160 to 170. If you're going to wrap, do your rub, put the meat in the fridge* for while you're building your fire. Put your meat on when you're happy with the smoker temp. Using a remote probe to monitor internal temperature is best so you aren't lifting the lid. If not using a remote probe, put it in the smoker and don't check temperature for at least 4 hours. Your PB cannot really over cook at 275 at 4 to 5 hours due to the stall effect.

When you hit 160 to 170 it's time to wrap. when you hit 198 to 200, start checking for "doneness". If the probe goes in like butter, it's done. Don't unwrap though, for extra assurance for fall apart pulled pork, rest in a 180 oven if you can, or in a cooler for an hour or so, and then get ta' pulin'

Here's a post I did a little while back on my wrapping method. The devil is in the details. Good luck!

At 275, mine take 1 hr per lb. I usually do 8 lber's, and that's including a foil wrap at around 165 IT, until probing tender and 203F IT or so. I then put into the hold (cooler), for about 2 hrs.

Pulled Pork turned out nice. I did have to fight pit temps due to winds but all in all a good first smoke. the Pork was pulled at 202 and let rest for a hour. It could have stayed in the pit a little longer as a few pieces weren’t as tender as I would have liked. Thank for the advice. Next cook will be St. Louis ribs this weekend.


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the Pork was pulled at 202 and let rest for a hour. It could have stayed in the pit a little longer as a few pieces weren’t as tender as I would have liked.
Did you wrap it? Reason I ask is once you wrap Int temps quickly rise, and you need time at a certain temp to achieve truly tender.
I don't temp butts, I go by color ( for when to wrap ) and feel (for when to rest/ pull.)
Timothy is right - Going by color and feel on the bark is actually the best method. If you wrap at 170 and the bark isn't set, you'll miss the boat on the tastiest part of your butt..... Not sure if that's a new butt joke or not but I like it! 🤣
I might have wrapped a little to soon. I was measuring a 15 degree difference between my thermoworks probe and my regular probes.
275 degrees and up to 300. Wind was an issue but the butts were very tasty. Nice smoke flavor but not too strong. 2 hicory and 4 applewood chunks. Finished it off with some Carolina bbq sauce!

