Boston Butt Over-nighter


Steve Zeitz

TVWBB Member
I am going to try another boston butt tonight; actually, my first over-nighter. I have it in the fridge now, with the rub and plan to put it on the WSM at 10:00 PM or so. It's about an 8lb butt and I've trimmed it good. I have a small brisket that I am going to add in the morning. I'll let you all know how it goes on Monday! Thanks. Steve
Steve, For the past few weekends I have doing all night smokes every Sat. night. The results have been very good. To make sure I get up about 2-3AM, I drink some extra water before I go to bed, assuring the nature's alarm will get me up at the right time. This weekend I am going to do a short smoke ~6 hours of a Butt for my butcher.
Steve, get the temp right and sleep well. On my overnighters I find that the temps will usually stay steady for 4 to 5 hours before they fall enough to adjust. Of course that is using the Minion method to start the fire. Good luck,,,I got two butts on myself tonight, and brisket as well.
Hey guys, thanks for the response. I am starting to think that smoking meat is kind of like golf in some ways. Every once in awhile you get the kind of golf shot that keeps you coming back for more. That's what this weekend did for me. This was absolutely the best Boston Butt I have ever cooked. I cooked a long while, but was worth every minute. I put it on at 10:00 P.M. on Friday night and pulled it at 3:00 on Saturday. I pulled it at 190 degrees exactly and wrapped it for 1 hour. The blade one pulled out easily and the meat was unbelievably tender and moist. Not much fat at all; just great smoky flavor. It was a big hit. Oh, I also tried my second brisket which was also excellent. It was a small, 4 1/2 pounder, that I put on the grill Saturday morning and pulled it too at 190 that evening. It was very good as well. Now, I can't wait to start something new!

Thanks for all the advice here; you "pros" provide excellent support.

It sounds like you had a great cook, Steve.

Ah yes... soon you'll look down your nose at every commercial barbecue joint in town. No longer will you look forward to going to the local Pig-Out Palace BBQ and Burger Emporium for the Thusday night all-you-can-eat-rib-and-brisket-combo, because you KNOW that you can do better yourself. You'll find yourself driving around behind the new barbecue restaurant that just went in down the street, because you won't even THINK about giving them the time of day if there's not evidence of a woodpile back there. It won't be long before friends and kin call YOU instead of the Pig-Out Palace to ask if you'd have time to maybe do a brisket and some pork for them for their nephew's graduation party next Saturday.

I always love to see a new BBQ snob in the making!

Keri C, still smokin' on Tulsa Time (who is a dedicated BBQ snob herself)
I went to a function that was sponsored by our local new Land Rover dealer here, and it was catered by some BBQ joint. Other than the regular burger, dogs and brats, he had made tri-tip. I piled it into a bun, proceeded to take a bite, and whole piece of meat came out, completely tough and unable to cut it with my teeth. Not only that, the sauce was KC Masterpiece from Costco! The side salads were from there, too. Most people consider this BBQ because it has some sauce on it. It was pretty awful. I don't think anyone else but us knew the difference.
Actually, I was thinking the very thing this weekend. I have eaten at the local BBQ places and have always thought they were Ok, at least with wet sauces. Without sauces, they are very bland. Their shredded pork tastes just like their shredded chicken. While I was eating this, I was thinking of how much better mine was and that place is packed all the time! Well, I guess I am a snob in the making! Thanks. Steve

