Boneless Short Ribs


Angel A

New member
Hi everyone. I had a good day of outdoor cooking today. Spun a bird and made a side of ratatouille on the gasser for lunch, all the while smoking a couple of pounds of boneless short ribs on the WSM. The chicken and veg turned out great, but the short ribs came out a little dry. Here's how I made them:

1) Coated the 1" thick boneless short ribs lightly with yellow mustard and a homemade rub that contained brown sugar, paprika, cumin, garlic powder, cinnamon, cardamom, s&p.
2) Setup the WSM for the snake method with a big ol' rock in the middle to temper the heat and some mesquite and hickory to smoke.
3) No water in pan. (I never use water and my cooks have turned out just fine.)
4) Smoked the short ribs between 225-250, and after 3 hrs, checked them out and they were not yet done. Still a little tight after the fork test. Left them in for another hour.
5) Checked again and noticed they seemed to be getting a little dry so I decided to foil them.

After 6 hours they were tender, but a bit dry. It made for excellent tasting bark and burnt ends, but I expected it to turn out juicier. I guess my question is how do you guys smoke boneless short ribs? After it was all cooked, they reminded me of brisket, so I'm wondering if I should follow a similar cooking method and foil them after awhile. I'm not really a foiler, but I'm wondering if the lack of mass of the meat requires it to retain its moisture since it takes so long to get tender.

Thanks for the help!

I've always liked the way ribs cook using the water pan whether it be pork of beef. It just creates a more moist environment. This is about the only think I use water for or...maybe try foiling a little sooner.

