Boneless Chuck Roast vs. Chuck Roll

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nope, just ketchup on the mac 'n cheese!
I almost forgot! Are you going to the game tonight?? If so better take a boat!! It is supposed to get ugly tonight! I am watching it from home!! Go Skins!!
I'll be safe at home (actually, prolly safe at mom's house with at least my sis, possibly my bro too)!

Hmmmm....maybe it's a good night for hot dogs on the grill come game time....

Yesterday I did Raichlen's silver paper chicken (kinda chinese chicken in tin foil packets) and his FANTASTIC roasted corn chowder. Soooooo cool cuz the veggies (red and yellow peppers, onion, and corn on the cob) go RIGHT onto the coals. (well, in the book they go on the grate, but on his show and for me they went on the coals). Really came out sooooo tasty!
I am watching it from home too. I hate MNF, they come on way too late and end way too late. At least for me, I wake up a 3am in the morning. I will be a grouch tomorrow, so beware!
I am eating the CR right now. I used the #2, because I like it better. The #1 is a little too sweet for me. This CR is something else. I wasn't crazy about it last night, but today I just reheated it up in the oven and added a little more #2 and it is outstanding!! I am taking some for the co-workers tomorrow! Thanks for telling me about the TXBBQ Co. Very good stuff. I was just thinking about ordering some more a few minutes ago. Gotta bout half left of the #2. I wanna try some ribs with the #1, I think the sweetness will be very good with ribs.
Larry, Glad to here you like the rub. I agree that it tastes better the next day. The smoke really gets all through the meat.
I am ready to do another one. I gotta have a party, that way I will have a reason to cook a bunch of meat! My wife always asks me who in the hell am I cooking for, coming home with 10-15lb pieces of meat!
The day you buy a foodsaver is the day your wife stops asking how many people you think you are cooking for! Then she might question why you ONLY came home with a 18lb CR and 2 8lb pork butts

Imagine her ecsatcy when she opens the frezzer and sees steaks, ribs, briskets, pork butts, chuck rolls and the like all preserved for days or even years to come. Hell, she might go out and buy your *** a big up-right freezer when you fill the one in your house!!
I think I'll be giving a chuck roll a try this weekend (my second smoke) using Jim's method of 170 then wrap for 8 hours. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

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