Boneless butt


Travis M

New member
First time doing a boneless butt. I am doing it the same as I would do my bone in butts. My question is what will the cook time be for a 4lb boneless, cooking at 225, will not having a bone speed up the process any or will it be the same?
Last time I did a little butt it took me about 4.5 hours @250
Don't forget BBQ is done when it's done.
i cooked a 3 lb. boneless butt yesterday from 1:30 to 7:30 at 235 and it was only at 170 internal. It was even wrapped in foil for two of the six hours. Left it on til 9:00 and it was 198 internal. I was very surprised it took that long but have noticed these smaller boneless butts do take longer than the typical 1.5 hours per pound.
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