Boneless Beef Chuck Short Ribs


Mark Skeet

I had big plans today. Was going to go out and find me some chuck eye steaks and a few sides and make a nice family dinner while we watch the Monkees marathon. Started at Costco, big crowds, no chuck eye steaks. So I grabbed these BBCSR:

I hoped to fire up the WSM and OTG but it was cold and windy as h - e - double hockey sticks in my back yard so I dragged the OTG up front and set up the Smokenator.

Still windy but better shelter. I improvised and cooked the rest inside. BBCSB hit the grill.

After a few hours at 250-275 smoked with cherry and oak I pulled them and let them steam in the oven with red wine, onions, garlic and peppers.

Got to work on the sides. The butternut squash that was supposed to be cooked on the OTG turned into butternut squash soup with bacon:

While the family enjoyed the soup, I carved the meat. Buddy was right there just in case I needed help.

Added oven roasted taters, mushroom gravy and a spinach salad with warm bacon dressing.

The smoke ring on the short ribs looks fake:

I started to forget it was winter around here. Today's weather was not condusive to good outdoor cooking but we did what we could. Now back to the Monkees marathon! Thanks for looking!
Great looking plate, but I was wondering how do you like the Smokenator? I have never seen this, and it looks like a great idea for smaller cooks that you don't want to set up the WSM. How does it do at getting to temp and keeping them stable?
Derek, I like my Smokenator but it's no WSM. To keep stable temps you need to make sure you have water in the small pan. That means checking every 45 minutes or so. Plus there's not a ton of room for fuel and wood so you'll be checking and adding there too. I've gone about 6 hours before refueling. I prefer the set it and let it go WSM, but that said, the Smokenator does work better than the other cheap alternatives out there.
Mark, if costco is anything like Sam's Club <span class="ev_code_GREY">and i think they are</span>, nope, they don't carry chuck eyes.
Butt what you got here is one heckova plate'a food!
I'm afraid i'd make that disappear in two minutes 16 seconds
Everything about that meal is at (or above) restaurant quality. From the soup to the meat. I'd gladly pay for a plate!
Terrific looking cook, and pics Mark!
Chuck-eyes are not real common here, but I have found a couple of sources.
It might be worth your time to call around first.

PS, It's been years since I've heard "h - e - double hockey sticks"
my dad used that term often
John - I didn't take take a temp when they came out of the oven. I stuck them with a fork and they felt done. They came off the grill at about 140 and then another 90 minutes or so in a 300 degree oven. When I do this again I'll pull them off the grill sooner and let them steam longer. Mark
Mike, no, these are a lot tougher. They are chuck short ribs. I don't think you could serve them rare. They need to be cooked slow and low or braised to break down all the connective tissue. Mark
I'm with you Mike. Without this board I would have saw that meat, thought is was just a well marbled steak and cooked it medium rare. I'd probably still be chewing it!

