Bonehead move with 18"WSM


J Patrick

TVWBB Member
Hi guys, I have an 18" WSM and I'm embarrassed to say I didn't clean it up after my last cook. I thought I did, but got busy and forgot.

It's been maybe 2 months since I my last cook. Yesterday I went to fire it up, when I opened the lid it hit me" you moron, you didn't clean it last time". It's not real bad, but there was some white furry crap growing in the grates in some places, and the water bowl looked like a biology experiment gone bad, thankfully I had lined it very well with foil.

My question is how should I clean the smoker? I've already cleaned the water bowl and grates. Should I just soap and pressure wash the whole inside of the smoker, or will build a fire in it and letting it run wide open until it burned itself out take care of any problems?

Take out the access door,the water pan, open all the vents, and dump two lit chimneys in it. Let it run until the fuel is exhausted. The smoker and grates will be clean, might need to use oven cleaner on the water pan left in a garbage sack for a few hours though.
If grates and bowl is clean, you're pretty much good to go. All I'd do is get a fully lit chimney of charcoal and run the smoker with all the vents open so it'll get as hot as it goes. Once it's done, just wipe it down and call it good
Take out the access door,the water pan, open all the vents, and dump two lit chimneys in it. Let it run until the fuel is exhausted. The smoker and grates will be clean, might need to use oven cleaner on the water pan left in a garbage sack for a few hours though.

I used to let my old 18" get like this way too often. I actually would just hose it down with the garden hose w/gun attachment. Worked pretty well.

Nowadays with my 22" I just make sure to avoid the situation altogether.

