Bone-in...Definately Bone-in


David Willis

TVWBB Member
I had never done a bone in shoulder on my WSM, but have done probably 10 or so boneless, probably because they are not always available at my local stores. Anyway, saw one at Wally World for $1.08/lb, a bit over 10 lbs. Started this morning around 2AM and just got around to pulling it after around 15 hours cooking...internal around 200 degrees.

WOW. There's no debate for me. Bone-in was absolutely more tender, juicy, melt in your mouth buttery than any boneless I'd ever done, even around the same weights. For me, it's now worth the wait to look for bone-ins from now on.

I'll have to work on getting the outer non-bark part a bit more protected (a bit dry on the outside), but once pulled, it was perfectly balanced!
You kind of lost me on the "non bark" description. I am assuming you mean the bark was too dry.

You can try foiling when the temp gets up to 160-170 degrees.

If you have a Sams they alwasy have bone in butts here anyway. I have yet to see a boneless butt. I should be getting my buckboard bacon cure this week. I will be making my own boneless butt for that.
What I meant was the meat just under the bark, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch worth...dry on it's own, but good mixed up with the rest.

I swore off Sams a few years ago (long story), but maybe I'll have to see how they're doing now

You're right, I may try foiling and see how it turns out next time...this one wont last long!
Also try Costco or any other Club store in your area, most will either have bone in butts or will get them in once they know there is some interest.

Get to know the butchery manager of the store you shop at most, no matter where it is, if you work with them on what you want, when you want it will get to be less of a problem for you.
I haven't had any problem with sams around here. Even if I did I don't have much choice. There are not any other clubs around here.

There are some butcher shops but I hate to pay 50% more than it will cost at sams. I got a full packer brisket from a butcher shop a year or so ago 13# and $40. Wally world finally started carrying them around here. Now I can get one for half that price.

