Bloody Pork Butt


Bob Hunter

Ok I am trimming up an 8 lbs. Pork butt, going to use it to make Italian Sausage. Anyway when I started to debone the butt, as I cut into I found lots of bloody spots throughout the meat. Not sure what it's from, but I have never seen this before and wanted to know if I should be worried about using the meat. The funny thing is; if I were smoking this butt I would never have been the wiser.

So, instead of taking any chances I took the Butt back to the shop where I bought and talked to the Meat guy. He exchanged it no problemo.
What he told me about this is that this can happen at the slaughter house if the hog isnt properly drained of blood soon enough and it results in the coagulation of blood in the muscle, and the meat shouldn't have ever left the supplier. He apologized and said he would talk to his supplier.
Way to go. All's well that ends well.
Nice to hear a good solution to a problem.

