Blizzard Brisket - Neighbor thought her store was on fire *WITH PICTURES

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I live near philadelphia. I want to cook a brisket for the eagles game tomorrow at 3 pm. Should I start it now and try and maintain temp through out the day.. or start it early this evening.

Or...Am I crazy thinking I can keep a 225 degree temperature in 20 degree weather with 30 mph winds and a foot of snow?

Can it be done?

When I moved my smoker... I put the board in front of the central air, but i didn't think about the window. The owner of the store called the police because she thought something was burning!! I showed the cop and fireman the wsm... They asked me if there was wood in it!!! haha... i didn't bother to tell them that I had oak and peach wood in there. I told them to stop back later and I would let them try it. The cop had no clue what a brisket was. oh well.. at least it made this smoke a little more interesting

pictures -
Well I'd be crazy enough to do it. You'll need to poke around on here and find out about covers for your WSM to keep the weather at bay.
Hey "flexi",
Go for it! A few weeks ago I did a couple of slabs of ribs in a snowstorm and it was about 20 degrees out. Fortunately I have a carport to work under though still breezy. I would make sure you load up your ring with charcoal or lump to have enough heat to offset the outdoor temps. You should probably use lukewarm water in your pan to start so it doesn't take too long to get the temps to get to where you want them. Nothing like bbq with football

Here's to the Eagles and Patriots squaring off at the Super Bowl!!
I'd use hot water in the pan and a greater amount of lit coals to start. The 20 degree temp isn't a big deal but the wind is. Fashion a wind block and smoke away.

Go for it. My son is doing a brisket right now. We both live in the Chicago land area and the weather for today 1/22/05 calls for about 8 inches of snow and winds out of the north at 25 mph. temps in the low 20's. The key thing is using a wind break. BLOCK THAT WIND. It's your worst enemy. Outside temps should not be a problem.
I am going for it!!! I moved it under some stairs behind my apt. I have some plywood blocking the central air... (I forgot about that... and i went out it was sucking on the smoke in the neighbors apt.)
lets see what will happen. I am hoping to get at least 12 hours on the wsm before the wind really picks up... if needed i will finish it the oven.
sounds really 'cool' Flexi

I can attest to icy winds kicking the crap out of your pit temps. Sounds like you have it all worked and like you said, no worry if things aren't working out you can always finish in the oven.

Have fun!
Hey flexi, big mistake inviting firemen. I've been a volly here for 26 years. I've never let a free meal go by and wwe usually bring the whole company!! Enjoy the brisket, for some reason bbq always tastes better when it's snowing like a son of a gun outside!!
well its 6:10 a.m. I always have trouble falling asleep when i know the smoker is going outside. I just went outside to check it. Blowing snow(another 3 inches), 30 mph gusts, 15 degrees... and guess what????
my good buddy wsm is chuggin along at 245 degrees. I am going to let it cook for another hour and then pull it off...
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Call me impressed.

Out here in the bay area my friends think i'm crazy using the WSM in a slight mist... I am in the North Eastern Bay Area though, and do get 30+ mph winds... but nothing like those snow shots..

Very nice work.
Blizzard Butts, just kiddin, it was actually above 50ºF here for my weekend cooks but I feel you poor folks gettin POUNDED with snow ... pats on the back to you all for getting out there and gettin it DONE!

