Bless Me Father I Have Sinned



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So last night daughter and partner came over for t/giving. I had just bought a gorgeous whole Prime NY Strip Loin. I like to use the "nerve end" for a small roast. So I cut a beautiful nearly 3lb roast and it went on the Genesis pretending to be a turkey. I put it on a med/hot indirect. Center off and outside burners on med/high for a good roast. Well at one point when I was not paying attention it must have fallen over, onto the lit burner area, and it turned into a total conflagration and was lost totally. Anyone who thinks it won't happen on a deep box Genesis with double row bars is totally mistaken. The cremation that occurred was something I could not even photograph. About $30 of meat ruined :( Well, I cut another and carried on and it was outstanding
This is what I started with first time.
We all send ours prayers to you during this trying time.... the pain will fade with time..... good thing you moved on so quickly!!! You know, I was just thinking, you could try and return it to the store saying it was a faulty piece of meat😜
Sure glad I've never made a mistake like that...... Well at least not more than 3 or 4 times.
My worst was on my 98 genesis I was cooking a chicken on the Roti and the motor apparently bound up and caught on fire along with the chicken from sitting in one spot.
Opened the lid and grabbed the spit handle, pulled the fireball chicken off and threw it in the pool and used the fire extinguisher to put out the motor.
I don't think 30 hail Mary's would even touch that sin. I would need, 40 or more, 3 stations of the cross, 40 Our Father's, and at least 20 Rosaries. :D
I remember some years ago I was flipping through the TV channels and came across some program where they were reciting the rosary. I watched the sister for a few minutes and then moved on.
Geez, Rich, that would have been one of those great internet videos.
Wasn't one of my brightest moves! Had a chicken fat oil slick in the pool and I couldn't keep the dog out of the pool. She would just go in and paddle around licking the surface of the water.
Then when she dried off she smelled like burnt chicken for a couple of days.
OH C'mon Rich. After the wife left, you put the dog in the pool to lap up all the chicken broth so you wouldn't have to clean it. You are not fooling anyone. Easier to give the dog a bath and say the dog got out of the house than to clean the whole pool.

I blame everything on the dog.

