Explore ThermoWorks, the trusted leader in precision thermometers. From the kitchen to the grill, ThermoWorks meat thermometers ensure culinary perfection.
Been using this system for years with my OKJ Bronco. Not every cook but for long overnight cooks. I have all the accessories above, plus the lithium battery. Works like a dream.
I'm a little late to the game on this post, but I agree. The billows is a must have for low & slow ( I use it on my Weber kettle).
As Dan mentioned the Billlows is a must have, it allows for better air control and is necessary for holding those steady temps. Why they don't include the damper with the Billows kit is a ridiculous money grab.
Billows with damper, on Weber Performer.
The black tear drop piece above is a 'smoke hole" port cover from SnS grills , so when I am not using the billows I can have another point of air flow control.