BIG Turkey smoking

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In all the turkey discussions on here, everyone mentions 10-15lb turkeys. Is it possible to do more like a 20-25lb turkey in a WSM or is that too big?
Everything's BIG in Texas /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Seriously though I've never done one that big(boy, that still doesn't sound right) /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Witha 25 pound bird you run the risk of food poisining. inability to bring that big a piece of meat to temperature long/slow environmnet.

Best to do 2 birds in the 14 pound range. IMO better taste also.
I never do turkey of any size long/slow in my WSM. I cook poultry at 350*, and I believe most here would also recommend that. Gonna need a lot of charcoal for a 25 pounder at 350, though.

I don't believe a second-- even 10-14 pound-- turkey will fit on the bottom grate with the top grate in place, so you'd have to do 2 of them in shifts.
There's 7-1/2" between the top and bottom grates. I'm told that some of the smaller turkeys will fit in this space after thawing.

To do a bird of that size brinning with Tender Quick or some curing agent is needed to be safe if it is going to be a long cook.
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