Big Ole Bird!!!

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Doug Lax

TVWBB Super Fan
After reading the honey brine recipe I noticed that the largest bird in the WSM was 22 lbs.
I am going to do a 26 lber. I am brining it as I type for 48 hrs. I am going to cook it @ 325 foil the wings and legs after 2 hours. I will let you know how it turns out. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Hey buddy, you ought to have left overs for awhile. Only got a 16lb'er been brining since this morning in the apple brine. Doug, you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!
Hi Doug ~ I'm a newbie here. Good to meet you.

I posted a question earlier, and since it seems you are a veteran at brining, wondered if you could answer this for me. You will find it here Cooking in brine

Thanks so much, beforehand, for your response ~ Hope your bird turns out simply lovely!
Well folks,
I am recovering from the Flu /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif so I thought I would post the results of my cook.
As I believed before I could and did cook a 26 pounder in the WSM . The bird cooked @ 325 for 4 hours. I t had been brined for 48 hrs. Some things I learned while peaking ( I know I know I am not supposed to) . Due to the birds size it was all over the smoker . this does complicate the cook but not make it impossible. The wings and the thighs browned (as much as I wanted too after the first hour.) I foiled them then along with the breast and the thigh . Over all it turned out really well the meat cooked evenly (due to the brining) . the bird was a good as any I had done before. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Lax:
[qb]Due to the birds size it was all over the smoker . this does complicate the cook but not make it impossible.[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Are you saying it was a tight fit on the grate? That it extended over the edge of the water pan? Did you cook on the top or bottom grate? On it's back or on a vertical roasting stand?

Just curious,
Hi Chris,
I used a vertical roasting stand.
The wings and the legs , top part of breast, and tail were all past the cylindrical plane of the water pan. I put the bottom grate on the tabs of the water pan.I did that To give me more room and stability. ( I have had a big brisket on the bottom great before and have it come off the bottom screws /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif . I thought if it did that with the bird it could topple the cooker over).
Just for future reference, the bottom grate is always supposed to rest on the flanges right above the water pan, not on the bolts.

Thanks for the info on the big bird,
It does make life a lot easier that way!
I bought my cooker /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif pre-assembled so I never looked
at the directions, /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif . Guess y /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif ou never stop learning
Just had to ressurect this kinda old thread too.
As I don't know how to post a thread yet.

It was a monster but it turned out great.
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