Big car race ribs???


Sean C

TVWBB Member
Having friends over in a few weekends time, for a 6:30am bbq & beer breakfast and watch on TV, the V8 supercars warm up & Race of the Bathurst 1000 !
I would also like to show off the WSM! I am looking at doing beef ribs again! (last time BAD BAD)
so what I would like to know from you guys what is the correct time? I know its hard to estimate cooking times! but these ribs are 5 ribs in a piece, about 40cm x 30 cm!
I would like to serve up at around 2pm? so what time would I need to start?
last time the flavour was there but under cooked!
or I could do a pulled pork or lamb shoulder, but that means I would have to get up at 1am!
any help cheers.
I have ordered the book Low & Slow, but looks to be a few weeks away!!!!!!!!!
If you have pulled pork on the menu you can cook it a day or 2 ahead of time and then reheat it.

Since you have a couple of weeks with which to work, consider a test run for the beef ribs. Buy another 2 or 3 slabs that're roughly equivalent in size and weight to the ribs you already have, cook them to the desired level of doneness, and use the time and temperature as guidelines for the race day cook.

Good luck!
I did some beef ribs for about 5-6 hours low and slow and they turned out good. I used a rib rack and basted/turned them every hour or so after the first 3 hours. This is a pretty good template to follow:

Also, agree on some other advance cook options...some pulled pork or pepper stout beef will re-heat nicely in a slow cooker if you want to prep a day or two in advance. Then you can use the WSM for some chicken wings or ABTs...

Sounds like a great time!
What type of beef ribs, I have done some meaty short ribs and smoked for about 7 hours, looking for tenderness like a brisket.

been reading about the 3 2 1 method! will try this with the ribs! what is the desired temp for 3 2 1?
& if I put chicken wings on the bottom rack, would the cook time be 1 hour?
AFAIK 225-250F is the desired temp for 3-2-1 ribs. I'm not sure about the wings as I do mine over higher heat, but you could smoke them for an hour and then finish them over direct heat or even in a fryer to crisp the skin.

