Big Brown Truck Delivered Twins

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My WSMs arrived today! Put one together and left one in the box. Now if Isabel moves on by late Friday or early Saturday, and doesn't tear things up around here, I'll be smokin up the neighborhood this weekend. I hope the smell of smoking pork doesn't keep the neighbors awake all night (he, he, he). I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!
Wayne, welcome to the wsm club. Is there a special reason for two and why keep the other in the box? Just curious. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Got two due to my order getting submitted twice. Decided to just keep them both instead of trying to send one back, I would probably just end up wishing I had kept it anyway. Left one in the box because I really don't need two at the moment, and it was getting dark when I got the first one put together.

you need to bust both of those bad boys out and buy 10 baby back racks. Invite as many people as you can for saturday nite.

start cooking 3-2-1 style with foil at 1:00 PM and let the friends feast.

Good Luck
Wayne, unless there are two Salems in VA, we're practically neighbors. I've got room to store that "extra" WSM for you. I'll even volunteer to assemble it and break it in, if you want. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif I was hoping that Isabel would blow away my old Brinkmann smoker (even set it up outside, attached to an old sheet as a sail) but it didn't happen. It won't burn out or rust out, and nobody will steal it. My wife says I can get a WSM when I build her a patio to put it on, so I guess I'll make do with what I have, at least until spring.
We are practically neighbors! I hope Isabel is well out of our way by tomorrow evening, as I plan to fire up the WSM for an overnight smoke.
I say go ahead and build the patio, just make sure you design it with the placement of a couple of WSMs in mind.
Troy, you told Wayne to bust open both WSMs and get 10 racks of BB's. Okay, that'll fill one smoker, but what's he gonna put on the other one??? Better get some more ribs... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time

I was gonna post that but I am trying to avoid being a "smart ***" this month...

However, you are correct... Heck 10 Baby Back Racks doesn't even fill up 1 smoker.

I have cooked 10 racks of trimmed spare ribs and 2 dozen Hot Links in a "standard 2 grate" Weber Bullet.
Hey Wayne and Larry. Too funny about you guys being so close. I'll add a 3rd. I'm a little east of Lexington, Va. About 45 min north of you guys.
I'm up your way every Wednesday working in Buena Vista.
Getting ready to fire up the new WSM for an all nighter. Got a 7.5lb pork butt all rubbed up and ready to go.
The last time I drove through Lexington (last week), the Wal Mart had a bunch of bbq things on closeout. Propane turkey fryers were as low as $25. I didn't buy one, but I did get a Smokey Joe at a different Wal Mart for half price.
I haven't been in weeks but I may swing over there today. Yea haven't been to Wal-Mart in weeks /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif I leave that up to the misses. I'll take yard work anyday over that chaos.
>I have cooked 10 racks of trimmed spare ribs and 2 dozen Hot Links in a "standard 2 grate" Weber Bullet.

This beginner would like to know how you fit all that on. I've done 8 racks of baby backs, rolled, and that seemed to fill it. I think I'm missing something...
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