Big Brisket Cook


J Hasselberger

TVWBB All-Star
Getting ready for our annual Family Smoke Fest on Sunday and I got a BIG 14-1/2 pound (untrimmed) brisket from my local reliable meat man. Looking back in my logs, I have mostly done flats in the 5-8 pound category.

I plan to cook the brisket overnight on Saturday night and rest it in the cooler until the chow bell (about 3p.m. Sunday). My WSM is very happy at 245° at the lid and will maintain that for a good 10 hours with a Minion load. I have always used water in the pan. I will foil at 160° internal. I'll trim the point off for burnt ends when the flat is tender.

Using the 1-1/2 hour-per-pound calculation, I could be looking at 18 hours, which seems long. I'm looking for a little advice on cooking times. I don't want to be done too early and have to keep the brisket in the oven for hours. Worse, I don't want it to be done after everyone goes home.

Any advice on cooking time is appreciated.

Getting ready for our annual Family Smoke Fest on Sunday and I got a BIG 14-1/2 pound (untrimmed) brisket from my local reliable meat man. Looking back in my logs, I have mostly done flats in the 5-8 pound category.

I plan to cook the brisket overnight on Saturday night and rest it in the cooler until the chow bell (about 3p.m. Sunday). My WSM is very happy at 245° at the lid and will maintain that for a good 10 hours with a Minion load. I have always used water in the pan. I will foil at 160° internal. I'll trim the point off for burnt ends when the flat is tender.

Using the 1-1/2 hour-per-pound calculation, I could be looking at 18 hours, which seems long. I'm looking for a little advice on cooking times. I don't want to be done too early and have to keep the brisket in the oven for hours. Worse, I don't want it to be done after everyone goes home.

Any advice on cooking time is appreciated.


Maybe this will help:
The hi-heat method sounds like the way to go. Thanks.

BTW, I just cooked 6 St. Louis racks the Harry Soo way. I foiled them after about 3 hours and refrigerated 5. I finished the sixth following Harry's method. Absolutely amazing. His suggestion to modify Sweet Baby Ray's with apple juice, pineapple juice and agave nectar is on the money.

I do brisket low and slow (around 250 degrees) and seem to run around the 1 - 1.25hr/pound. Pork butts seem to be in the 1.5-1.75hr/pound range for me. The last brisket I did was around 12lbs and I kept it in a cooler for about 4.5hrs before I served it. I didn't have a thermometer in the meat, but it was still plenty warm. I've never tried the high heat brisket, but with all the positive reviews of them I may have to try it some time.

