Best way to cool out of control WSM?


David Willis

TVWBB Member
While hosting a large gathering, I removed the lid and put it on the ground, removed the meat, and went inside. I guess I got sidetracked because by the time I came out, flames were surrounding the water pan. I put the lid back on, closed all vents, and watched as the temp went past 650...and it kept going. My therm is 0 at about 7 o'clock and 650 at 5 o'clock. The dial went past 650 and was heading back toward 0. In a panic, I filled a gallon jug of water and poured it on the sides and some on the lid. The temps went to about 550 immediately then slowly settled down from there.

I guess the question is (besids paying attention), what's the best way to cool it down to keep it from buring up completely? I didn't want to pour water on the coals, but also didn't want the temp to stay that high for any longer

