Best Rib Rack for 18"

Alan, probably the best way to cook whole slabs in the 18" cooker is to simply roll and skewer. This is because the grate is just too small to handle full-length slabs without the outer heat zone overcooking the ends. However, some folks will just put some foil on the rack where the ends are gonna lay, and I'll try to find the thread that was recently suggested for.

As to which racks though, the cheap three slab ones from Lowes that have the prongs for potatoes are pretty good since the rib spacing is foolproof because of the design. Another one I'd suggest is the six slot from Charcoal Companion. It's heavier gauge and non-stick enamel that has decent width and height to the rack. It fits on the 18.5" grates just fine, but you'll only want to use the four inner slots, at least if cooking full-length slabs, and there might not be adequate spacing with really thick back ribs or full spares, as opposed to St. Louis trimmed. Nothing wrong with cooking half slabs though, and by using two of the Charcoal companion racks you can cook four slabs of ribs and not have any hang over into the outer heat zone. You could spend a lot more, but those are the racks I use and they were relatively cheap. The Charcoal Companion brand is found here and there on a seasonal basis, at least in the stores I've come across them here in middle TN. Seems like I found them in a bbq store in TX though. Hope this helps.
You don't need a rack.. Like Dave said, just roll them, they cook the same. You should be able to do 4 rolled racks per grate.

I have two of the Charcoal Champion 6 slot rib racks. They are easy to use and clean. The space in between each of the racks is good and allows for easy manueverability of the rib racks, its easy to get the ribs in and out. You can also use it as a roast.
Alan, just to be clear, I don't think I've tried cooking half St. Louis or back rib slabs in the CC rack yet. I would think it would work ok, but not if the half slab is too narrow to be supported in the middle of the slot due to the tall contour. I'll have to find out for myself sometime.

However, in the 18.5" cooker you could do four whole slabs per CC rib rack if you went with foil under the ends as I mentioned above. You can use the outer two slots for rib tips (most of a rack at least) but they'll get done pretty quick from being over the heat zone.
After looking at one of the CC rib racks out on the cooker, I think average sized half slabs would do just fine, and I think using all six slots to cook three slabs would be as well. I was just outside looking at it, and all six half slabs would still be pretty much over the pan. For evenness, I'd recommend having one set of tongs in each hand and doing two rib swaps per rack. Simply swap each outer half slab with one of the inside slabs midcook and leave the 2nd and 5th slots alone. Of course, you can also simply go by how they seem to be cooking.
I use a Charbroil rack. It has 6 slots and can handle untrimmed spares with ease. I couldn't find one in stores so I ordered it off the web - I believe. I usually cut my spares in half and it can handle 3 slabs untrimmed with no issues at all. And 3 slabs of baby-backs is a breeze.

