Best gas grill for the Elderly?

It is an 03/04 I think and I'm pretty sure it is double wall. There are pretty solid cast sides to the lid plus the SS handle. Once it starts to go up however, there is little force needed to move it to end of the range. I think if they can't handle the lid they won't be able to handle the BBQ itself.
The new Genesis lids seem harder to lift than the older ones.
I know my mom could lift the lid once, but it would get tiresome while cooking. I told my 17 year old daughter to lift the lid slowly on a new Genesis in the store and she had to bring her other hand in to help.

I looked at the Broil King Signets at HH Gregg and am impressed, especially given the price ($356) and the fact that they are made in Canada. SS flavorizers, dual tube SS burners, cast aluminum firebox, nice.
Why not take them to the store and see what they think about the lid-opening and mobility issues?

Involving them in the decision is likely to lead to the best outcome...

Just my $0.02
But Tom, then it wouldn't be a surprise. More importantly, they would NEVER allow "so much money" to be spent on them. They are some very frugal people from a different generation.
I gave my Mom a smokey joe, and she likes to use it once in a while. My dad on the other hand thinks that everything can be done it the house with the stove, so she meets some resistance from him.
In case anyone is interested, we ended up getting them a Weber Genesis EP330 in Natural Gas. They have a natural gas valve right close to where the grill goes and they definitely used the side burner on their current Chinese rust bucket. With NG, my dad won't have to deal with heavy propane cylinders anymore. I don't think my mom will have a problem lifting the lid as long as she does it with an underhand grip.
This thing is absolutely gorgeous, I especially like the Special Edition badge that the EP's get. It went together like a dream, and gives off a real feeling of quality. Too bad the NG ones only come in black though, I think my mom would really like a green one.
I like the green one too---- I think I like copper the best....... I'm sure they'll love it.
In case anyone is interested, we ended up getting them a Weber Genesis EP330 in Natural Gas. They have a natural gas valve right close to where the grill goes and they definitely used the side burner on their current Chinese rust bucket. With NG, my dad won't have to deal with heavy propane cylinders anymore. I don't think my mom will have a problem lifting the lid as long as she does it with an underhand grip.
This thing is absolutely gorgeous, I especially like the Special Edition badge that the EP's get. It went together like a dream, and gives off a real feeling of quality. Too bad the NG ones only come in black though, I think my mom would really like a green one.

How did that solve the mobility issue? When I first read this thread, I was thinking that the LP tank would be the biggest issue and I think the NG unit is a great choice. I guess it would also make the unit easier to move around without the weight of the tank in it. But it still has those small casters. Did you do something about that or did the lighter weight of the NG unit take care of that? Another question (because I'm thinking a NG unit will be my next Weber) what is the connection like at the gas valve? Is it some type of quick connect? Or, do they have to have a wrench to screw the hose to a opening?
It rolls very easily on the carport, but I learned that they don't move it except for a couple of times a year when we come over. We can move it on those occasions with no problem, and they can roll it on the carport to clean beneath it.
Yes, it comes with a nice brass quick-connect for the NG connection.

