Best Book for Weber Kettle Owner


Eugene Deel

New member
I'm trying to find out which Weber book is the best for someone who wants to focus on charcoal grilling using a Weber kettle. I'm looking for a Weber book which covers the grill, how to use it, different cooking techniques, and grilling instructions for a variety of cuts. I'm not interested in books focusing on gassers or just recipes. Any recommendations for the best Weber book?
Welcome to the forum Eugene. The first thing you should probably look at is the link at the top of this page that says "The Weber Virtual Bullet". There are many articles that will get you started and on the right track. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions here. There are many here who enjoy helping others. That is one of the great things about this forum.
Not to downplay the material mentioned above but everything I have used for most of forty some years was the OLD paper one that came with my fathers first one. It really covered all the basics from direct, indirect,fish to fowl, sausages to steaks. Chris might have a digitized copy or a link to one. I am having the old one scanned and will reprint it for myself and save the original for my grand children!
It's pretty simple, once you understand how it works.
Not to downplay the material mentioned above but everything I have used for most of forty some years was the OLD paper one that came with my fathers first one. It really covered all the basics from direct, indirect,fish to fowl, sausages to steaks. Chris might have a digitized copy or a link to one. I am having the old one scanned and will reprint it for myself and save the original for my grand children!
It's pretty simple, once you understand how it works.

Tim... are you talking about the booklet called, "Recipe and Instruction Book: 59 great recipes for cooking the Weber covered way." It's black and has a picture of three people around a kettle, one of whom is wearing a jersey with the number 80. I'm describing it because I'm not sure how to post the image.
This one?
Registered members can download old Weber recipe booklets, newsletters, and other documents, including the black booklet shown above, here:

Old & Vintage Weber Product Catalogs, Newsletters, Recipe Booklets & More

The first thing you should probably look at is the link at the top of this page that says "The Weber Virtual Bullet".
Most of the information at The Virtual Weber Bullet is geared toward barbecuing on the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker, not grilling on a Weber kettle.

The most recent Weber grilling book is a good choice: Weber's New Real Grilling
Get "how to grill" by steven raichlen. Awesome book. Then get his "the barbecue bible". The how to is exactly what you need. Well, that and practice. There are tons of books out there and I have many but I hold the how to grill in the top, specially for beginners.

