Mike Coffman
TVWBB Olympian
One of my co-workers has breast cancer and had her surgery yesterday, July 6th.
We are having a benefit dinner to raise funds on Monday, July 9th. I volunteered
to cook 4 pork butts. I picked up 4 fairly large butts yesterday, with a total
weight between the 4 of them just a little over 37 lbs.
The butts were trimmed and seasoned with some homemade rub. They will rest in the
refrigerator until about 4:30 AM tomorrow when they will be put onto the WSM.
Plan on resting them when they are done for a few hours then pulling.
Will then vacuum pack and take to the benefit on Monday.
Any advice from the experts out here on the best way to reheat?
Butts were placed onto the WSM at 6:30 AM with about a 50/50 split of apple and pecan chunks.
Butt #1 off the WSM in 11 hours at 192 IT and probe tender in several places.
Double wrapped in foil and placed in an ice chest to rest before pulling.
Butts #2 and #3 (bottom rack ones) off the WSM in 11 ½ hours. Double wrapped and put in ice chest.
Final Butt off the WSM in 12 ½ hours. Double wrapped and put in ice chest with his friends!
Butts were rested until 8:00 PM and then were pulled in the order they were removed from the smoker.
One of the best investments I have made is getting that set of bear claws from Amazon (through the TVWBB link).
All 4 butts pulled and vacuum packed in less than an hour.
Thanks for looking and I hope everyone will enjoy these butts as much as I enjoyed cooking them!
I know they all are juicy, tender and taste great, as you know I had to sample each one as they were pulled.
We are having a benefit dinner to raise funds on Monday, July 9th. I volunteered
to cook 4 pork butts. I picked up 4 fairly large butts yesterday, with a total
weight between the 4 of them just a little over 37 lbs.

The butts were trimmed and seasoned with some homemade rub. They will rest in the
refrigerator until about 4:30 AM tomorrow when they will be put onto the WSM.
Plan on resting them when they are done for a few hours then pulling.
Will then vacuum pack and take to the benefit on Monday.

Any advice from the experts out here on the best way to reheat?
Butts were placed onto the WSM at 6:30 AM with about a 50/50 split of apple and pecan chunks.

Butt #1 off the WSM in 11 hours at 192 IT and probe tender in several places.
Double wrapped in foil and placed in an ice chest to rest before pulling.

Butts #2 and #3 (bottom rack ones) off the WSM in 11 ½ hours. Double wrapped and put in ice chest.

Final Butt off the WSM in 12 ½ hours. Double wrapped and put in ice chest with his friends!

Butts were rested until 8:00 PM and then were pulled in the order they were removed from the smoker.
One of the best investments I have made is getting that set of bear claws from Amazon (through the TVWBB link).

All 4 butts pulled and vacuum packed in less than an hour.

Thanks for looking and I hope everyone will enjoy these butts as much as I enjoyed cooking them!
I know they all are juicy, tender and taste great, as you know I had to sample each one as they were pulled.