Beginner's short cooking recepies needed

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Just bought my Bullet.
I'm looking for good recepies of beef and chicken that cook for short time (1-1.5hr) to get things started. Please include temp/time instructions.
Also, are the Kingsford self-igniting briquttes good for the WSM, or would they leave some odor?
Beer Can Chicken takes four hours according to the cooking log. The style of cooking for the WSM is low temperature and slow cooking. It is sometimes difficult to get the smoker to cook at a higher temperature for quicker cooks. The rest of the detailed cook logs are at this web page.

New Weber Smokers tend to run a bit hotter than normal so chicken is a good choice.

Beef ribs are good. They also take about four to six hours. Cook until the meat pulls back from the bone. I had that last weekend. The rub I used had more brown sugar in the rub than salt. It seemed to work with the beef. The smaller and leaner (less fatty cuts) cuts of meat the quicker it will cook.

Welcome to the Forum. What wood do you plan on using for smoking?

Welcome! I think you're our first member from Israel. I'd be interested in hearing how you got a Weber Bullet in Israel!

Perhaps Perfect Chicken Skin would be a good start. It cooks in about an hour. If using a kosher chicken, skip the brining process described in the process.

Thanks David and Chris,

I'll probably try both ideas. I intend on using Hickory wood, as this is what I have at hand now and also like the smell very much. I will also try Almond wook, as it smells nice too.
The Bullet was kind of a chance to come by. A few years ago I built an horizontal side-fire-box wood smoker, when I lived on a farm and had plenty of wood and space available. That thing did well, only took a lot work to operate. Now I live in the city and wanted something more managable, so I began to look for a compact charcoal smoker on the web, and quickly came by the Bullet (considered Best).

D&S Imports ( is the official Weber agent in Israel, and had a few in stock, so I had no problems getting one (I don't think they sell many of them- most Israelis never heard about this device and use open grills).

Did anyone use these self-igniting Kingsford briquettes in his Bullet?

Thanks again.
I'll let you know how things come out.


Shalom!! Welcome to the Forum. You will find great information here, and great people as well. To address your other question, under no circumstances would I recommend using the self lighting briquettes. They will cause a terrible kerosene odor, and flavor. Use the standard Kingsfords, or other brands.

Good Luck!!!!
NO! NO! NO! Do not use the self lighting stuff. Like Pat said, you will taste kerosene. Nasty stuff. It only took me one mistake with that.
Thanks All,

I will not use self-lighting briquettes.

Is it true that cooking without water is about 4 times shorter then with them?
Does the meat cook at the same rate on the lower and upper grates?
Did someone try thinner (~.5") steaks on a short cooking time? (again, a beginner's question...)



Welcome to the site.

Cooking without water (dry pan) puts your cooking temp in the 300* range so your cooking time is much reduced. This works well for leaner meats like chicken, beef roast's or turkey. Read *everything* Chris has written in the 'cooking topics' section and you will see how the cooker works best and which temp to use.

The temp. difference between top and bottom grate is about 4-10* and about 12-15* higher at the lid than the top grate. Read Cris' section on 'operating tips' and it will help also.

I don't know if you would want to cook a thin steak on a bullet. A hot grill will help seal in all those great juices. Lo and slow cooking is best for those cuts with a little more fat content.

Again, Chris has written some great stuff on how best to use your WSM read everything you can and it will help you immensely.

Hope this helps,
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