Brent Peterson
New member
So I am brand new to smoking and bought a 18" WSM. I tried it for the first time and have some questions. I used the method of putting a bed of coal unlit in the ring, and then put a chimney full of lit evenly on top. I at a full bowl of tap water and 3 whole chickens. First off it took forever to get up to temp it stuck at the 200 mark for quite a while (I am assuming because of the water coming to temp, and the raw chicken) I had the top vent open the whole time, and all the lowers open as well. It finally got to temp after about 1 hour 15 minutes. about that time I flipped the birds to breast side up for the remainder of the cook. after I flipped the birds it took 1-2 hours to get it back to temp despite everything being opened. After I took the birds off I left the coals in to see what the temp did, and it went up to about 270. I am assuming my temp gauge is off a bit from the actual grate temp. I was using lump charcoal from barbeques galore. should I use briquetts instead. could use some guidence.. I tried to get it real hot for the last 20 minutes or so for a crisp skin but was unable to achieve it. I am a noob so all help is welcome.