Beer Can Chicken


B Severin

TVWBB Member
I have 4 chickens that I want to do beer can style. This will be my first attempt at chicken on my WSM (my 3rd cook overall).

A few questions:
1. I plan on using the Minion Method and cooking the chickens for approx. 4 hours at 225-250.....sound like a plan? (this based on the "Chicken on a Throne" recipe/technique found on this site)
2. Should I put the 2 largest on top and the 2 smallest on the bottom?
3. Assuming they are all nearly the same size, they should all finish about the same time, correct?
4. Any tips on ensuring the chickens stay level and don't fall over?

Thanks in advance.
1. Use the standard method for your fire, the Minion is overkill with chicken.

2. Should be able to fit all four on top grate.

3. Don't know the sizes but they should all finish about the same time, the smaller ones you might have to pull off a little sooner.

4. The cans should keep them steady, you can pick up BCC racks at the store pretty cheap.

Good Luck...
Should only take you a few hours I would think. Though it may take a little longer since you will have 4 chickens. I did a one beer can and some wings last night and took a couple of hours for the beer can. Used standard start method. I always use the standard method for beer cans.
A few weeks ago I did 4 chickens ranging from 3 to 4 pounds on my one-touch silver 22.5in. They took about an hour. I soaked my wood chips in beer and did 2 additions. It rocked. What the best chicken I ever made. I used steven raichlen's recipe for brewmeister's chicken. Had a great smoke flavor, very juicy. I used just beer cans, no special holders. Sorry I didn't take any a temp at the grill, just put my weber wireless thermometer in and let it go. Added more chips at 1/2 hour mark. The only thing that would have made the chicken better is if I could find the beer I was looking for, Old Chub. You can't go wrong with beer can chicken. Just keep an eye on the temps and you'll do fine.

I like to use a Foster's can. Bigger can = more stability. I'm not convinced that the beer does anything for the chicken, but it looks and sounds cool.
I've cooked four on the same rack a couple of times. I think I cooked them at about 275, but don't quote me. Even with nothing but salt and pepper, they always come out great!
I'm looking to put a whole roaster on the wsm in a few hours. I'm not going to use any smoke wood, just a straight grill. Should I take out the water pan and set the bird on the top grate, or is it better to use the water pan in it?
I usually leave the water pan in empty covered in foil. I personally would add some wood to give the chicken that smoke flavor.
I ended up going without the water pan and had it one for about 2 hrs. I put the chicken in a foil container pan to capture the juice. The chicken looked great and had great skin (I ran the smoker around 360 the entire time), however the meat turned out to be dry.

Perhaps the water pan with water would have helped retain some moisture?

