Beef short ribs


J. Wilson

I did up some beef short ribs...had a heckuva time keeping the temps below 300 for the first two hours. I've never cooked these before so thought what the heck....Used minion/tin can method with 2 (maybe it was 3) chunks of hickory for smoke. I had to close all bottom vents and even then it was a shade under 300. After two hours though it really started to level off and I had 250 (what I was going for). I'm not sure if it was the wind....air leaks.....foiled clay pot...just takes a while to even out??.... But it was really frustrating.

Before shot......

After 3 hours...then foiled 3 and left 3 out of foil. Brushed on watered down Sweet Baby Ray's....

After a little over an hour in foil put back on smoker for 30-45 minutes....something like that.

These were really good! Not falling off the bone or anything but the texture of good brisket.....just a lot of work for not much meat. Next time I think I would leave in foil longer. Thanks for looking and Go Dawgs! (The real ones in Seattle) :)

