Beef Ribs


Tom Chips

TVWBB All-Star
I'm still reeling from the great deal I got on a couple nice racks of beef ribs here at my grocery store right across the street. Only one rack left to cue up. These weren't trimmed to heck, and were only $1.19 a pound.

In my opinion, beef ribs are hard to beat, in that, they seem more forgiving with temp fluctuations and anything that has more meat has to be a good thing in my book. Plus, the flavor is just jumping out at me.

Tom, Real nice looking ribs, both cooked and the amount of meat left on them.
I picked up a pack the other day at my local Grocer to see what was left on them, not worth doing in my book. Luck you, nice job.
I have the second of the two racks I bought, thawing out on the counter tonight. They will go on tomorrow along with two racks of St Louis spares.

I think I will aim to finish this new rack at a bit more doneness, these just weren't quite tender as I was looking for.

Thanks for the pic comments, I finally figured out why my camera was taking such crapy pics up close; the autofocus doesn't work right. In manual I was finally able to get some decent results.
wow, nice score, and nice job. I have yet to do beef ribs on the wsm, but I did do some shorties on a gas grill with direct heat and had some success. How's your time and temp compare to spares?

let me toss out a suggestion, if you don't mind. When I cooked the shorties I used them as the protein for the main course in a japanese meal. I made a shichimi togarashi rub mix for the meat, and served them with seasame noodles and wilted spinach. You should be able to find shichimi togarashi (orange cap) at a good asian (japanese) market, but if they have it, usually they will also have the straight, ground togarashi pepper (red cap), and you can make your own mix.
I run high heat temps north of 275. No foil for this batch, but I'm kicking around the thought of doing it for the batch I have going now. They're done when there done.

I want these to get a bit more tender than the last batch. I have two racks of St Louis spares, and one of the beef.

They will likely be done near 8 pm pacific time.

I should try to do something else thats productive today.....
Those are some good looking bones Tom. Please keep us posted on the latest cook, can't wait to see how they turn out. I love beef ribs but unfortunately it's hard to find any good ones down here.
Just checked on them, and they are coming along well. I mixed it up with a bit of apple, oak, and hickory. Smells darn good.

They are about where my last batch was as far as tenderness. So, probably one more hour, and they will be done. I will definitely snap some pics. No foil for this batch, and I have a pineapple/apple juice blend being sprayed on once every 15 minutes or so.

My wood smoke died off early on, coming up to temp, and I noticed the little piece I sliced off didn't have much of a smoke ring or a big smokey flavor. And being that they are all over 160, if the theory holds true, I might not get much of a smoke ring. I'm hoping the moist surface on the ribs will help get some smoke to cling on.

The other change I'm going to do on these, is I'm going to brush some sauce glaze on, before pulling them instead of brushing it on afterwards.

Stay tuned...
I forgot how narrow the spares were trimmed. I'm not used to seeing such small ribs. But these were definitely my favorite batch to date. The dizzy dust pork rub has a good kick of heat, that was balanced well by the sweetness of the fruit juices, and glaze.

The beef ribs finished better than my previous batch, but the bark on them doesn't look as pretty. These were a good bit fattier than the other batch too, which I found odd. For some reason it's easier for me to chow down on the spares then it is on the beef ribs. I didn't have the urge to eat more than one of the beef ribs, after eating 3 of the small spares. All in all a good learning experience. I'm happy that I'm finally getting to the point that I wouldn't mind serving these to friends or family. Most of my previous efforts were just too overcooked or dry, or lacked a good flavor profile.


I think your cook today just helped me make up my mind for Saturday. That is if I can find some decent Beef ribs here. Great job. Seeing the pictures made me hungry, and I just ate dinner.

Glad I could help.

Now I'm craving some cookie dough ice cream. The last thing I need, of course.

I'm happy with how the thinner glaze of sauce turned out. It set up nicely on the WSM during the last 15-20 minutes of the cook. I couldn't get the sauce to do this before I had the rib rack.

