Beef ribs?

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Big Ir

TVWBB Member
Hey everyone,

Here's maybe a stupid question, but no where do a see a recipe or even any threads about beef ribs. Is there something I'm missing? Are they no conducive to the WSM? So what gives?
Did you use the search function at the top of the page? A quick search for "beef ribs" found several threads, including this one:
Beef Rib Thread

Good luck,
Big Ir...

I did beef ribs once. I found VERY little meat and lots of time cooking them.

If you like beef and can find ribs that are meaty, they will cook exactly like pork spares.

I will stick to brisket and chuck roast for my beef entries.
Big Ir,

I don't cook beef ribs very often but do like to have them, occasionally, for a change. Cooked some beef ribs last weekend, after marinating for 14 hours in a grape juice marinade that I read about on another forum. You can see pictures and read about them here. (Use the Prev and Next links to scroll through the pictures.) My modified version of the grape juice marinade can be found on the Recipes Page of the Web site.
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