Beef rib selection and preparation

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Chet Johnson

TVWBB Super Fan
I want to give dinosaur ribs a go and stopped by my nearest butcher shop. There are none in my neighborhood and this one wasn't what I expected, but I digress.

They had frozen beef rib racks, but in pork terms, they all looked like "shiners". I bought a couple chickens instead.

Anyone willing to provide a little coaching on selection of these and maybe some lingo to describe to a butcher precisely what I'm looking for?
I've recently did beef ribs and yes, they seem to come frozen. When selecting these monsters, try to get a full slab, 7 bones per, and check to make sure that the meat is not pulled back from in between the bones, ie: when the butcher holds them up and says: "How're these?" you should not be able to see him through the rack.

They are huge and you may have to trim 2 ribs of an end to fit them on the WSM.

Oh, and the membrane will give you a pretty good fight, but will surrender in the end.

As far as terminology /shrug, just ask him if he would cook these for his friends. Tell 'em you want them BEEFY!!!

Rath *still can't find that dino recipe
Most beef ribs that I have purchased seems to be shiners and previously frozen also. Another method of achieving your goal for good beef ribs may be on the expensive side. Smoke Ring website describes with photos on purchasing a rib roast and cutting the ribs to obtain meatier ones. Again I think it may be expensive because it will be only one rack of ribs and of course a rib roast. I may do it in the not-to-distant future since I want to try a rib roast also, but I wouldn't routinely do it.
I feel pretty blessed now in regards to getting ahold of good beef ribs. I dont know about you, but our albertsons still cuts the meat and nothing comes pre packaged. When they have boneless ribeye on sale I'm able to load up on some excellent ribs for 99cents a pound. Nothing is worse than those prefrozen ribs that have had the meat gouged out from inbetween.
I must be blessed also. I just picked up two fresh beef racks at the local Jewel last night, dinner tonight. Hope these come out better than the pork loin I did on sunday.

I've only done beef ribs a few times. Only tried them because I found some real meaty ones marked down. Most of the time they have had most of the meat cut out from in between to bones. They came out really great, give them a try!

Beef ribs are my wife's favorite so I do them when I can find good ones with some meat left on. Chris has a good section on the mainpage under cooking. I think I marinaded my last bunch with some Moore's overnight before cooking and it seemed to improve them some. I just basted with a brush and then put them in a zip-lock bag.

You might want to check walmart. I think almost everyone has one of those. Anyways, the ones are walmart are cryovact and not frozen. I have only tried beef ribs once from a recipe by tyler florance off of food 911. I really didn't like them. I made a mustard based bbq sauce he had with them which was awesome tasting but i just didn't like the ribs. Hey had you boil them for a set amount of time then finish them on the grill. Maybe they would be awesome on the smoker i don't know but i guess that one incident turned me off to them
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