Beef, it was dinner


Todd Randall

So I was trolling around all over today trying to find a recipe of something for dinner tonight. It had to be something relatively quick. Didn't find anything particularly interesting, so I stopped at Wegmans on my way home. Picked up a bunch of fresh veggies and found a 2.5lb Choice Rib Roast for $15.

Smoked it over K and Oak wood to 115 internal on the wsm running around 360 top grate. Took it off, cut in down the middle into two nice steaks, and onto the wsm coals for 2 minutes a side. Came out nice and medium like the wifey and I like.

Roasted the veggies indirect on the SJP. Just tossed them with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and some basil, oregano, and parsley. Oiled, Kosher salted, and peppered some taters on put them over the coals.

Not a complicated cook, but it was delish. And I thought a pretty good effort for still being hung over from last night







The basket has always been black. Some kind of non-stick coating I suspect.

The roast is pictured in the second pic. On the plate, that's only 1/2 of it.

How long and at what temp did you cook the roast? Sounds like something the wife may like.

FWIW, I can't see the roast either. If you can edit your post, put the cursor between the links to the pics and hit the enter button. That'll bring it into sight.
I can only see 1 pic like Erik and Ken but I found the other 2 when I pulled up your quote..

Not bad for someone that only cooks meat (no sides).
Looks great .. Taters too.


What did I do wrong with posting the pics? I could always see all 3 the whole time, but some of you could only see the first one? If the sides go on charcoal, I can handle them


For time and temp, I had a big coffee can of left over charcoal. That went into the bottom of the wsm unlit. Fired a whole chimney, dumped that on top, empty water pan, assembled with no meat (cooker was a little dirty, wanted to pre-heat it).

All vents 100%, 15 minutes later she was running 375 at top grate measured by maverick. Closed one bottom vent, put meat on, and it ran 360 for about 35-40 minutes at which point it hit 115 internal. I took it off and sliced in half into 2 3/4 to 1 inch steaks and moved the top grate to over top the charcoal and seared like h3ll.

I see them fine now.

I love ribeyes and I think that's what's for dinner again tonight! Thanks for the inspiration.

Now, about those sides....
Oh man..that looks good!

I now have to go to the butcher shop to see what they have. I'm pretty confident that beef will be on the menu tomorrow night.
Originally posted by Todd Randall:

What did I do wrong with posting the pics? I could always see all 3 the whole time, but some of you could only see the first one? If the sides go on charcoal, I can handle them
Not sure, Todd. When I went to quote your post, I saw [IMG Left] as if to justify left, I think, and they might have been inline which would have made them left to right instead of one over the next as they are now. There was no scroll bar at the bottom though. The "left" part is now gone and there are carraige returns between each pic now.. (i removed mine to remove the redundancy)

That sure does look good!!

Ok, ya, after I read your post I went back in and removed the
part and added text between each. I'll do that from now on, seems to work for everybody.

Now, about those sides....

If your asking about heat Ken, I piled coals on the left and on the right. I don't know how many. I minion started them with about 7-8 coals per side.

Temps started at about 250 and went as high as 325. Veggies were on for probably 45 minutes with 3 or 4 stirs.

Taters started indirect too in front, but I should have put them direct the whole time, they took another 30 minutes, so probably a good 1.5 hours for them.

I'm not an onion-pepper type of guy. Heck, I'm not even a squash guy, but I do love a good, giant, salted, crispy skinned tater.

My wife will get squash tonight, not so.

It's so windy right now, I'm not sure what I'm going to grill them on, gasser or Performer.

