Beef gaining popularity


Steve M.

At least at our house..... I grew up a "pork only" boy in Kentucky. I did two 5# chuck roasts this past weekend. Man, oh man..... I used a mix of hickory and cherry smoke wood. I didn't have time to make up a special rub and just used the Dr. BBQ slightly sweet pork rub. Not much left but a vapor trail after dinner.

I certainly won't give up pork, but I'm guessing that a slab of beef will make it the rack when I'm doing a slow cook on a butt.
Howdy Steve, I know what you're talking about! Did a chuck eye roast last Fall and thought it was as good as any pork butt I've ever had. Just finished a beef brisket Sunday. EXCELLENT! Beef back ribs are next on my radar.
Did my first chuch roast a few weeks ago and man what a great discovery.
Plan on doing one this weekend i have a 6#er to smoke sunday.
Steve and Jay,

How exactly did you cook your chuck roasts? You have convinced me that I should try one this weekend.

I too am a chuck roast fan. I like that I can get them done without sleep deprivation. One of my favorite cooks is one or two supermarket chucks (3+ lbs each) on the smoker at 8am. Not a lot of rub, maybe a dust of something in a jar plus some garlic powder. Around noon I'll put on some pork baby backs with BRITU rub.

The beef seems to like 7-9 hours total and I usually foil for the last hour or two. So everything is done around 4 or 5pm. Pig on a stick, beef on a bun. A better 1-2 I have yet to encounter.

Maple and some fruit wood. A little hickory if I'm feeling gritty. Run around 250 give or take with a full water pan. Both the ribs and the chuck are forgiving and between poking the beef and doing the bone wiggle test on the ribs, not a lot of worrying about meat temp.
Hey Mike,

So, tell more about your chuck roast results: is it basically shredded/pulled rather than sliced? How long do you put the rub on for? Do you sauce it afterwards, and do you have a sauce that you especially like?

I smoked a rolled chuck roast last weekend at 250* for about 5 hours, pulled it at 140* and sliced it. It came out a perfect med-rare and it was as flavorful as prime rib, but not as fatty but slightly less tender.

The best part was slicing the leftovers thin and making great sammies on hard rolls with some horseradish sauce the next day.

It was great - I'm definatly doing it again.

Sean, about the, soccer, etc.

That said, that's how the Saturday before went, when I cooked the chucks. I got the meat on a little after 8am, cooked at 250 until 3pm. Then wrapped in foil and back on until 6pm. Very tender. Howver, these pieces of meat didn't "shred" like the previous ones I had done. They sliced like a brisket, very nice. Great flavor and texture.

I swear it is better the 2nd or 3rd day.

