Beef Cheek - Suggestions?


Don Gross

TVWBB Member
So I was at Sam's about a month ago, and I saw what I thought said "beef chuck meat" on a big hunk of meat. When I got home and read the label with my glasses on it said, "beef cheek meat." (D'oh!)

Any suggestions on what to do with this? I've seen some stuff about using it for barbacoa. Could I just smoke it and make some pulled beef? There's a ton of connective tissue and a fair amount of fat. It's 7lbs. and at least while still in the cryo-bag, it's shaped like a loaf of bread.

I'm smoking ribs tomorrow, and thought I might see what I could do with the cheek as long as the cooker was fired up.

no Idea how to cook it but there is a taco cart in my area that has beef cheek and its the most succulent meat you can imagine. like shreded beef but butter tender.

I would guess he braises it and then heats it up on a flat top
So many wonderful things you can do with beef cheeks! They are very tender and will pull or chunk or whatever you like really!

Here is a cook I did with some (not on the smoker though with Kevins Mole.

If you go the smoking route remember they are thinner than a chuck roast so you'll be getting a lot of smoke and bark on them, I would foil them early personaly.


