Beef and Spare Rib Cook Qs



New member
Have a few questions on the cook I am doing Saturday… Still a bit new to my WSM and this is going to be my first attempt at beef ribs. I am doing one full rack of beef ribs along with 3 racks of St. Louis Spares

1)Any thoughts on wood combination? I have apple, cherry, hickory and a bit of oak right now. If I was just doing the spares would mix some apple and hickory, but was thinking the cherry might be good for the beef?

2)Rub – These beef ribs are by request of the party host as a result of an affinity to the beef ribs served at Hill Country BBQ in NYC.. those have a great beefy taste. Was thinking I keep it simple compared to my spare rub which I like to jazz up. Any suggestions?

3)Approach to temps/cook time - Based upon what I have read, seems the beef ribs will take longer and figured I would settle in somewhere south of 250 for temp, allowing about 6-7 hours. Should I plan to start first with the beef ribs then add the spares an hour or so in to get the finish time a bit closer? If I did do that, would you recommend I start the cook at a higher temp for that first hour+ in anticipation of the spares bringing temps down when added? There is no real target eating time (these are going to be late afternoon snacks during a fierce corn hole tournament before a seafood feast) so if I have to pull some of the spares earlier that’s ok, just would like to keep them reasonably close together.

Thanks all!
I've been doing my beef ribs with cherry & apple 50/50, they were hard to find until we asked at Price Rite one day, they sell so they keep stocking them. Hope your getting meaty ribs, we are.
Im picking them up in a bit after work from a pretty high end butcher so hopefully they are good... will take a pre-pic for sure.

