BBQ University



Has anyone seen that show BBQU? The host is the same autohor of "How to Grill" and "BBQ USA" his name is Steven Raichlen. On the show, I saw in the background, a Weber Q (or baby Q), a Go Anywhere, and a WSM....He cooked on the King Ranch and a was pretty cool....the website is if you want to check it out

Tony G
Yes, it's a popular show and referred to from time to time on this board. Most feel he does a pretty good job as a "TV chef" demonstrating a reasonable way of producing good Q - unlike Emeril's 2 hour brisket or whatever ...

And for a few thousand bucks, you too can go for a w/e there.

I do like his show, and have one of his books though.
As others have said, I find the show decent for a TV show on BBQ. Most other programs that talk about BBQ really are talking about grilling.

My biggest pet peeve is the overuse of the "grill cam" and especially the cheesy sound effect they use whenever switching to it.

The episode I have on my DVR waiting to be watched is a 2005 episode called "The South". I caught the beginning while surfing but didn't have time to watch it through.

The other program I liked was the All Star BBQ Showdown program on Outdoor Life Network that Chris Lilly hosted/produced.

For those that haven't seen it, here's a link . The downside is there are no episodes scheduled.

Each episode pits (pun intended) two pros and an amateur team against each other. They don't know the meat or the rig until they start.
He has written some outstanding bbq books on ethnic bbq. He traveled all over the world trying grilled and smoked recipes and recreated them in his books.

