BBQ Sauce Homemade.. Add Nuts?


Bob H.

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Is it nuts to want to try to add macadamia or pecan pieces to the bbq sauces that I like to experiment with?
Or peanut butter maybe? I am aware of the nut allergies, but would ask before I served it to anyone.
Maybe smoked nuts would be better? Does anyone do this?
Yes it is definitely nuts! But isn't that one of the things we like most about BBQ.

I would think a nut butter would be easiest to incorporate into a sauce. Smoked nuts, pureed into a butter, now we're talkin'. Go for it, just be sure to report back so we can see the results.
Only if it was purely a finishing sauce. Not sure I'd want to taste burned nuts if I were grilling/charring meat.
I over roasted some almond slivers in my wok for some oatmeal cookie ice cream the other week - the ice cream tasted funny before I added them, and really good afterwards. The Burnt Almond (not burnt, but darkened) might work well with a sauce....I really like almond extract in my hot & iced coffees too.

I say go for it.

