BBQ Guru Probe Problem


Steve Carter

New member
I have a Nano-Q that I purchased earlier this year. I've cooked with it five times. The last two times, my blower has run almost constantly and I get a defective probe error indicator. I've taken exceptional care of my unit and if the probe is indeed defective already, I'm going to be angry.

Is there anyway to bench check the probe or otherwise test it? I'd like to do this before taking the $25 hit for a new one. I've emailed and called BBQ Guru with absolutely no reply. I posted on their discussion board with no reply. Could it be that I'm getting false readings because I'm not placing the probe correctly? I've only inserted it into the eyelet opening without clipping it in any way.

Any and all suggestions are welcomed.
I know with some probes, moisture can get inside and cause false readings. You can tried baking the moisture out using an oven, or submerging the probe in hot oil and boiling the moisture out.

I do not have any direct evidence that this is indeed the problem, or if it will even work. It kind of stinks that the unit doesn't have a display so you could sort of know what the problem is.

I might try the oven, it can't hurt.
Where do you live, I have a CyberQII and would gladly help you test it, and I have two other pit probes as well.

I live in Kansas City but frequently get to Columbia, MO and Des Moines, IA.
Use boiling water and set your probes to 212 degrees. Moisture near the input connector will screw with your temps. You should get a spare anyway because your probes WILL go bad at some point. I'm on my 3rd pair of Guru probes but I rarely use it now that I've got a Stoker.


