Basic difference between Rib rub and Butt rub...

That helps me. I just made a huge 6 cup batch of my favorite rib rub (a modified one from P. Kirk book). But, I'm going to cook a butt this weekend and I'm kind of out of a few spices, thought I might use the rib rub.

Guess I'll try it, but lay it on heavy.

Art in my mind there is no difference. Almost all the rubs I have made can be used successfully on different cuts of meat. Most will cross over from pork to beef to fowl....If you like the rub, it will work just fine.

Experts may have spice profiles they prefer for a meat type such as beef or pork etc. But a good rub will do for most of us.
My butt rub has a lot more kick than rib get a lot of rub in each bite of ribs, but a butt gets all mixed in. Unfortunately, my rib rub is the only one I purchase...I mix squeal hog with Jim Baldridge Secret Seasoning.
Well... In my humble opinion the biggest difference between rib rub and butt rug is.... drum roll please.... what you put them on *** cimble crash *** ba dump bum ***

